Monday, September 22, 2008

Secretary Paulson can kiss my...

Lets see. The current secretary of the treasury is a former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Therefore it makes perfect sense that he wait to announce the all time biggest public bailout of an industry until after one of Goldman's rivals declares bankruptcy. Yep, perfect sense. Lets disrupt the lives of 25,000 people so they can have their lives thrown into uncertainty. Next, lets go ahead and bailout every other bad betting financial firm in this current credit crisis but totally ignore the disruption that you caused for those employed in some form or fashion by Lehman Brothers.

What happened to free markets in this country? And if you are going to bailout this industry, why do pick and choose who lives or dies? Lets save Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, but leave Lehman to die on the vine. I would really like to know the rational behind this. Somehow I think Secretary Paulson's buddies at Goldman had it out for Lehman. This is his way of hooking them up. Preciate cha Mr. Secretary!


kathyw said...

Preach it!

Anonymous said...
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